

俚语 lesbian syndrome

Lesbian Syndrome

Where a girl turns down a guy but can't think of anything else to say to reject him.
Guy- Will you go out with me?

Girl- I .. um.. I'M A LESBIAN ???

Guy- Ohhh oh ok.

Next day

Guy - I asked Jess out last night.

Guys friend - Oh yeah how'd it go ?

Guy - She's a lesbian.

Guys friend - What ? No she isn't she went out with that Jason guy last year. Dude she had "Lesbian Syndrome " .

Guy - Damn! I got lesbian syndromed again .

lesbian sheep syndrome

The circumstance of two women being romantically and/or sexually attracted to each other, but neither acting upon it because they're waiting for the other to make the first move.
Yeah, I've noticed Heather and Cathy flirting with each other as well. It's been going on for months—I think they're victims of lesbian sheep syndrome.

Lesbian love syndrome

Where you fall in love with someone you cant have, especially someone from another state
Person 1: They seem to be pretty happy
Person 2: They're talking to someone from Tennesse

Person 1: Ah, classic lesbian love syndrome




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