

俚语 less than

Less than

Means that someone is telling you that you're different than everyone else
She is less than everyone else


Less than perfect; not meeting expectations.
So far, the guitar classes I've been taking have been less-than-stellar since I haven't learned a single thing.

less than preferable

to be used in a ironic sense when something really bad happens, or to be used as a comically verbose way of saying not very good.

preferable can also be substituted for other words in order to better fit the situation, such as "cool", "awesome",

"heterosexual", "believable", "attractive", "exciting",

"damn it, all my coursework was on that computer, this is less than preferable"

"i swear, that is not mine"
"that's less than believable"

"wow that three hour lecture on the composition of soil was less than exciting"

"really, you're wearing a pink tank top and hotpants? well that is less than heterosexual"

"mate, wtf, you're fucking my mum?!"
"yeah, i guess that for you this arrangement is less than preferable"

"oh shit my blood tests are back and they're not good"
"well, that's less than preferable"

tv-"every day millions of people die of starvation"
"well, that is less than preferable"

less than jake

An awesome band, who, like The Clash, Operation Ivy, Rancid preach anti-racism, it's a shame the bellend who posted before me didnt realise that ;-)
Less than jake are awesome, racist bellends can get outta here!

less than three

The literal form of <3, which in turn is supposed to represent a sideways heart (love). Often used when the medium won't support the bracket in <3, interpreting it as faulty HTML.
Blog Comment: I less than three you, dude!

Less than Pi

It's a derivative of "Less than Three" or <3.

Literally, it is: <3.14159265

It can be used when letting someone else know that you heart them, with a special geeky twist.
Wow, I less than Pi you! Nobody <3.14159265es you more than me!

Less Than Casual

The relationship between two people who are not dating and have no stated boundaries, but are more to each other than just a booty-call.
Mara: "Chelsea, are you and DB still hooking up with each other or have you two finally decided to make it official"

Chelsea: "No way...we will never be official! We are just two friends who enjoy each other both with and without our clothes on."

Mara: "Oh word ... so you two are just "Less Than Casual"!




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