

俚语 lethological


ummm...i forget! Oh yea it's the inablity to put your finger on the right word, describes the state of NOT being able to remeber a wor that you want. It is also when guys talk to girls!
A guy walks up to a girl i a bar:

Guy: He...uhalabala *guy lingo for hey wats up?*
Girl: Ahh...hey?
Guy: ummm...do you ahh ahh ahh...

the girls phone "rings" and its an "emergency"

Girl: OMG, i'm so sorry that was my brother, my mom just got hit by a car!

girl walks out of bar giggling with two of her friends and some other guy

Girl: gosh he was more lethological then most men

Guy yells after after her

guy: ahh..wait...ahhh.uiuhhlaomvyeou




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