

俚语 lex's


An extreme form of simping.
Damn, that guy is lexing hard for Jeremy.


When you have done an extreme good job (but not as extraordinary good as a Peter-Jan, even if it's not necessary)
'Wow man you've really Lexed it with this new software.'
'Yeah thx, I keep working on it though until I've Peter-Janned it.'
'Ooh give yourself a break. ReLEX.'


the best girl in the world, she always has ur back even if ur wrong, shes lovable but has a bitchy side that u learn to see past, shes beautiful but thinks shes ugly, the best friend a person could ever ask for:)
Guy 1: Who's that hot blonde chick sitting over there.
Me: That's my best friend, Lex, dont talk to her unless u plan on sticking around...or ur gunna wake up at the bottom of a reallllyyyyy deep hole.


A beautiful, precious female who is adorable in every way
Lex is perfect


Known especially for their uncontrollable humor, Lex are hard to come by. Being such rare specimens of attractivity, Lexs tend to naturally seduce many creatures of the opposite sex. A Lex is often very musically inclined, with percussion coming as easily as riding a bike. (Well, in a Lex's case, riding a bike might not come so easily...you know, coordination.)
If you meet a Lex, you'll probably notice a few things. They typically have an extreme fascination with puns and pranks. Also, a Lex might refuse to break certain habits, such as buttoning a shirt from the top down instead of from the bottom up. (This causes issues when trying to put the shirt on correctly...the buttons almost always go in the wrong buttonholes.) All these little characteristics add up to make a Lex the most adorable, lovable creature imaginable.
Boys, you better hold on to your girlfriends, because all the ladies are flocking to those blond haired wonders called Lexs.
Katy Perry: "Who's that stunner? Is that WILL SMITH?!"
Bodyguard: "No..that's...that's....holy snapple, it's a Lex!"
Katy Perry: "CAN I HAVE YO NUMBER??! Please, please, I hear you're really good at banging...the drums!"


The perfect girl. She is beautiful, sweet, funny, and will always be there for you. Lexe has everything you could ever want in a girl. Anybody would be lucky to have her. (:
Dude, this girl I met last year is a TOTAL Lexe!


Lex is a type of person who stands out but is really unnoticed and who you would find alone and away from the crowd
Why is lex all alone




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:47:35