

俚语 lezak


When coming from behind, with odds against you, pulling a victory out of your as. Like Jason Lezak in the 08 Beijing Olympics.
"Yo did you see Tod's race yesterday?"

"Yeah man he Lezaked that son of a bitch"


To have an out-of-body experience leading to performance normally out of one's league.
That marathon dude got all Lezak about mile 20 and totally put the hammer down on the rest of the pack!


1.)Coming back from a seemingly insurmountable deficit, against all odds.

2.)Getting beaten while talking smack.

3.)To lose an incredible lead.
The French got lezaked in the 4*100 meter free-style relay by the American relay team in the Olympics.

pulled a lezak

the act of saving a friend/colleague/fellow olympians ass by pulling off the textbook perfect save of a lifetime. Refers to the 2008 Beijing Olympics in which during the 4 x 100 meter freestyle relay the U.S.A. anchor Jason Lezak overtook his French competitor in epic fashion to win the gold for the US men and make Michael Phelps' 8 gold medals a reality.
Tom: "I am still in shock with how well that meeting went!"
Bob: "Tom, you nailed that presentation! Not only did you save our company from being bought out, but you convinced the investors to kick down another 100 million dollars! You totally pulled a Lezak in there!"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 5:36:38