

俚语 lick bum

lick bum

A person who will do anything to please another or will copy them.

Can also be used as a verb : licking bum.
You: "I like dat TV show, it's well safe."
Friend: "Yeah innit, well safe."
You "Ah, you're just a lick bum."

Bum lick

When someone tries to bribe you for something, tea in Britain. If you are called a bum lick, you better fuck off because you probably aren’t wanted :D
Oh I like tea *adjusts monical*. You look beautiful today, can I have some te- NO FUCK OFF YOU SLOPPY BASTARD.nobody wants a bum lick

licked a bum's ass

A point of horrid disgusting realization that you have made a terrible mistake. Unfortunately, it's too late for it to be undone.

A phrase which takes on meaning similar to "faux pas" or "sticking one's foot in one's mouth" but with more of a twist.
Imagine that you went out drinking heavily one night, came home, and went to sleep. The next day, you check your "Sent Email" folder and find that you sent ten emails between the hours of 3am and 5am: five of them sent to your ex-girlfriend, four sent to co-workers, and one sent to a local massage parlor inquiring if they "offer any additional services". When you were describing these happenings to a friend later, you would say, "Well, I really licked a bum's ass last night..." and then you would describe your actions in great detail.

bum lick

A general word that you use towards someone you hate or are mad at.
Guy: Gimme 50 cents so i can buy an ice cream.
You: STFU bum lick

Crawly Bum Lick

A snitch, brown noser, grass.
Person One: I really like your dress, brings out your eyes!
Person Two: Ahh thanks!!!
Person Three: * mutters* What a crawly bum lick!!!

Curly bum lick

A curly bum lick may sound naughty but is in fact slang for the word omelette. An omelette or omelet is a preparation of beaten egg cooked with butter or oil in a frying pan, usually folded around a filling such as cheese, vegetables, meat, or some combination of the above.
I went to my local cafe today and asked the waitress for a cup of coffee and a curly bum lick.

Bum lick

Someone who does what someone says. You know those people who are always other people's minions. Yeah them minons.
"Gertrude always does what jimmy says"

"Innit bro she's such a bum lick"





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