Ass Paint
When someone uses feces to write a message or paint a picture, they are using Ass Paint.
Using ASS PAINT, Holly wrote a beautifully worded love note to Johnny on the bathroom wall.
ass painting
In construction work an ass painting is used as an initiation type ritual or right of passage for one seeking to learn the trades.
1st yr apprentice: "I told my journeyman my favorite color was red not knowing I was getting an ass painting... so needless to say i went around looking like a fuckin babboon for a week.
Bad Ass Painting Mother Fucker
A Bad Ass who paints and fucks mothers.
Jeff Vogelsong is a Bad Ass Painting Mother Fucker!
Wet Ass Painting
I used too much water for my painting
Person: why did you usenso much water for your painting?
Me: thats a wet ass painting.
Me: thats a wet ass painting.