a local anaeasthia used. Dont get confused with C-OCAINE the drug. However, sometimes its mixed with cocaine to make it more effective to abusers, they say "good quality". What lidocaine actually do: numbness and alot of bullshit no need for details. Cheap too.
1st: I want two grams of c-ocaine
2nd: I have a new type its called lido-caine. so strong.
1st: oh yeah! Give me like half of what you got now
2nd:why not?lidocaine is $25 you know?
1st: strong right? thats all i need hahaha
2nd: hahaha
1st: Alright! Text you later buddy!
2nd: Peace!
Narrator: The abuser left with 8 gms on him. Calls his friend who is an abuser too. Go home to shoot it all. Next day they were found dead.
2nd: I have a new type its called lido-caine. so strong.
1st: oh yeah! Give me like half of what you got now
2nd:why not?lidocaine is $25 you know?
1st: strong right? thats all i need hahaha
2nd: hahaha
1st: Alright! Text you later buddy!
2nd: Peace!
Narrator: The abuser left with 8 gms on him. Calls his friend who is an abuser too. Go home to shoot it all. Next day they were found dead.