life contraction
The use of movies, TV, or books, referencing a specific character and scene, which can be used as a detailed example of what is being described. The use of life contractions can significantly expand the description of a particular situation without the need to explain the details. Making the conversation more involved with less spoken words.
Examples of a life contractions:
He stated, "I will beat you like what 'The Hulk' did to 'Thor'."
She said, "I wanna do some things from 'Fifty Shades of Gray'."
"It felt like the last cannonball 'Homer' took in the guts."
He stated, "I will beat you like what 'The Hulk' did to 'Thor'."
She said, "I wanna do some things from 'Fifty Shades of Gray'."
"It felt like the last cannonball 'Homer' took in the guts."