

俚语 ass phone

ass phone

when your boss shoves a phone up your ass after you've hacked it and changed the pictures of all his contacts to porn stars
"dude i came into work today and got massive ass phone"

smart ass phone

A smart phone that has been "apped out" with all kinds of annoying lights, noises, and virtual effects.
Dude#1 God, I am going to smash Josh's phone if he plays that Drama button one more time.

Dude#2 I hear you. He has turned it into a real smart ass phone.

I'd rather sandpaper a bobcat's ass in a phone booth filled with kerosene

Phrase used to verbalize just how much you don't want to do something
I'd rather sandpaper a bobcat's ass in a phone booth filled with kerosene than to have to your mom out again!

Shut your dangoranapa watching bi mf panties in a twist pressed no home disowned loan owned blue gnome brick phone ass up

A tweet to a reply of dangoranapa fan who hated on scott cawthon.
"Yo this dude really said Shut your dangoranapa watching bi mf panties in a twist pressed no home disowned loan owned blue gnome brick phone ass up lmao"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:59:17