

俚语 ass pickle

ass pickle

Ass Pickle is an insult used to call someone something similar to a piece of shit. However, it gets the mind thinking as it combines the words together and is therefore more funny.
You are such an Ass Pickle.

What up, Ass Pickle?

raphaels ass pickle niggle

a god summoned pickle that raphael stuck up his ass turning it black from the shit hence the niggle
raphaels ass pickle niggle

Pickled ass

So as any of you who read this know im an ER doctor. And I've seen some shit but this takes the cake.
One night I'm in the ER and a woman comes in saying her butt hurts.
I say okay let me check you over.
I take her to a room and begin to look at her butt and at this point I could smell it.
It was a putrid smell of something pickled, rotting, or dead.
So I ask her has she eaten anything.
She says no.
I ask did you put something in your butt recently?
She says yes reluctantly.
Come to find out she had had fun with a pickle and never pulled it out. Instead it went further up her butt and was rotting.
After an hour and a very large bottle of magnesium citrate the rotted pickled probe came out.
After she left my nurse said it smelled like pickled ass. She had no clue how close she was.
Dear god Francis it smells like pickled ass in here!!!

pickle ass

Some cunt who wants you to sit on her lap, then puts a pickle jar up your asshole when you try to sit down. Then she eats all the pickles out of your ass.
Dawn is a total pickle ass, she all like "lemme get a minute a! pickle ass all up in my house!"

Pickle Ass

An ass on a female thats so flat it looks like one cheek.
"Eew I can't grab Becky's pickle ass!"

Ass pickle

An ass pickle is an insult to someone that you hate and no one likes
Gianna Walker smells like such an ass pickle




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:36:55