

俚语 light in the loafers

Light in the loafers

To be homosexual
Jimmy is a little light in the loafers if you know what I mean.

Light in the loafers

A man that acts very feminine around people.
He acts so gay that when he walks he floats. He must me light in the loafers!

Light in the Loafers

Refers to a male who is perceived to be gay or homosexual. Specifically a man that has fashion sense, and a cheerful disposition. Loafers refers to shoes. It is implied that the individual is about to fly away like a fairy.
That guy is light in the loafers.

Light In The Loafers

Refers to the way some effeminate men walk.
As Maurice sashayed across the room, Celeste noticed he was light in the loafers.

Light in the Loafers

Implies homosexuality and gayness.

Why it means this:
1. If you are light in the loafers, you are said to be missing the vital male reproductive organs and therefore you are light in your loafers (shoes).
2. A myth says that homosexuals tend to where lighter colored loafers instead of darker colored loafers.
Winston, you're looking pretty light in the loafers today...I would even say that you're nearly levitating.

light in his loafers

Euphemism for homosexual man, especially when implying femininity.
Jerry: Why isn't John here at the bar watching the local sports game?
Jared: He's going shopping with Jenny before they go see Chick Flick.
Jerry: What, is that his girlfriend or something?
Jared: I dunno, John always seemed a little light in his loafers....

Bud Light in the Loafers

A person who acts or looks LGBTQ+
He must be Bud Light in the Loafers carrying that purse around.




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