

俚语 like at an orgy

Like at an Orgy

A phrase added after someone else's statement to make their statement hilarious. Used like "That's what she said." Created by the band Big D and the Kids' Table during a 2010 3-week tour.
Person 1: "I had to get out of there fast."
Person 2: "Like at an orgy?"

Person 1: "So she said 'Thanks, but there's two things I want to talk to you about.'"
Person 2: "Like at an orgy?"

like orgy

When friends or acquaintances on Facebook like each other's comments during a discussion from a post showing approval, adoration, favoritism, or even a covert sexual interest in the person whose comments they are liking.
Did you see Mike's stupid post on Facebook? It sure was a like orgy!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:23:47