

俚语 like-strike

like strike

When you "like" everything on someone's Facebook wall. Comments, statuses, pictures, everything. This floods the person with notifications and is very annoying.
Me: Jenny was being a bitch on Facebook chat, so i'll like strike her wall.

Jenny: WTF is up with all of these notifications?

like strike

liking every post on a target's facebook page causing them to receive a notification for each "like"
1: Dude, I got like strike -d last night, my e-mail is jacked.
2: Man, that sucks.


When an individual "Likes" a series posts on a facebook thread.
Also known as a "Gordon Martin"
I just got 6 like notifications,,, ah, it was just another "Like-Strike" from Gordon Martin

Like Strike

When your so-called friends refuses to "like" anything on Facebook wall out of jealousy... Comments, statuses, pictures, everything.
However, the same 'friend' can be seen likely every other Trival post on Facebook.

Me: Jenny was being a bitch on Facebook chat, so i'll like strike her wall.

Jenny: WTF is up with all of these notifications?
Jill: Loved your holiday photo's from Miami!
Me: Yeah, although I noticed Steve didn't like a single thing.
Jill: Really?! he's liked all my posts about my cat.
Me: Clearly he's on like strike.

Like Strike

An activity performed on facebook, in which the Striker "likes" every available post/event on the target's Facebook page, causing them to recieve a fuckton of notifications. Can often be used as a strategy to place highly in the target's "My Top Friends" checks. Although, ironically, if you perform a Like Strike well enough, the target may not be your friend anymore.
Dude, I totally gave Joshua a Like Strike last night, and now I'm his top fan! But he's pissed at me cause he got a shit-ton of emails from it.

rolling like thunder, striking like lightning

rolling like thunder, striking like lightning: to excel
Every crunch time, Ben was rolling like thunder, striking like lightning.




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