

俚语 limbaugher


Cheese produced from swabbing the folds in Rush Limbaugh's skin. Top Fortune 500 performer in last quarter.
We managed to get some vintage Limbaugher from a floor trader who had some connections. We talked about interest rates, capital gains, stock portfolios with a bottle of Cognac and this remarkable cheese. We wondered how they could produce such a gastronomical delight.


When you swing open the stall door in a public restroom and find a huge gnarly dump left in the toilet, probably jamming it, prompting a hasty retreat - that's a "Limbaugh".
"No, don't go in that one, man - there's a Limbaugh in there!" "Whoa, that's is possibly the worst Limbaugh I have ever smelled!"
"Why don't they get someone to come in here and hose out this Limbaugh?"


A unit of mass equal to 1 Imperial Shit Pile.
Aw, man! I have a Limbaugh of work to do...


a slang term for a prolapsed anus
after years of shoving household items in his rectum, he suffered a limbaugh.


To deride or denigrate someone in a misogynistic way, usually in terms of their moral behavior.
"What does it say about the college coed Susan sic Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex? What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex."

"Hey, stop Limbaughing her already!"


Something too disgusting and/or horrifying for any and all descriptive words in the English language to do justice.
I spoke with some random Limbaugh last night...I pissed my pants from how terrifyingly inane he was.


(adjective) to have a bloated sense of self-importance even though everyone around you is laughing at you.
Cliff Clavern from cheers made a limbaugh comment about the history of wax paper.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:43:12