Limited Profile
For people who you don't want on your facebook friends list, but would be too awkward to remove completely.
People probably on your limited profile: Great Aunt Susanne, former employers, the weird kid in your class who you get your notes off of, etc.
limited profiled
when a new facebook friend only allows you to see certain parts of their profile: this allows them to choose what information they can and can not see
I was limited profiled from my new co-worker, so bummed.
limited profile revenge
When a Facebook user puts one of his or her Facebook friends on limited profile because that same Facebook friend put the Facebook user on limited profile first. You can tell if you're on limited profile if the aforementioned Facebook friend's tagged photos and/or personal information are no longer viewable.
Will result in tension between the two Facebook users. One party may possibly block the other.
Putting someone on limited profile is not recommended unless you have an inexplicably unbelievable reason to do so because you will usually end up offending or alienating your Facebook friend.
Will result in tension between the two Facebook users. One party may possibly block the other.
Putting someone on limited profile is not recommended unless you have an inexplicably unbelievable reason to do so because you will usually end up offending or alienating your Facebook friend.
Don't put me on limited profile unless you want to start something, bitch.
Do unto others as you want others to do unto you.
Limited profile revenge usually occurs when people lose their Facebook etiquette.
Do unto others as you want others to do unto you.
Limited profile revenge usually occurs when people lose their Facebook etiquette.