

俚语 lince


Not just lust but not yet love.
A term that describes the feeling that two people have when they have been going out for approximatley three months. It is used between that two people care about eachother but are not yet "in love".Just like the word love, lince can be used as a variety of parts of speech. (See example)
1. Ricky and Lauren are in lince.
2. "Lauren, I lince you." "Awwwww. Ricky I lo...i mean I lince you too!"
3. "You are my lince for ever and ever...for now."
4. "Ahhhh I lost my underwear..." "Liiiiiince!"


to completely shut down opposing hitters in baseball, make them look stupid
Big time Timmy Jim just linced that Dodger, that is his 22nd strikeout of the game.


A Linc is an ugly girl, a 1/10. The polar opposite of a dime (10/10) is a linc (1/10) short for Abraham Lincoln who is on the penny. Created by Aaron Marasia and Jake Cohen
That girl is mad ugly bro she ain’t hot she a linc


Linc is short for Lincoln automobiles
Check out that gangsta Linc!
Thats lincs ballin!


Linc is named for a boy called Lincoln. Linc is very sporty and is a gun at volleyball. He is best friends with a boy called Didil. He is a goat and a MVP. Don't try and fight him or you will get bashed.
Ay Linc don't bash me but let me come to ur crib (wink wink)

the linc

fuckin jinx where the eagles and temple owls play
i may need to be intoxicated to watch this shit go on


Linc is usually small and sexy and a albino Asian that is awesome and funny and sweet and is good at singing
"Linc you are so sexy and cool" said the girl




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:41:34