

俚语 line-crosser


Some one who is known for crossing lines consistently without caring. Can include telling people off, saying things you should not around other people, doing things to other people/other people's property.
A line-crosser can be someone who upper decks someone's toilet or putting an air horn in someones ear.

line crosser

A person that has to do exactly what you tell them not to do, usually a smaller child, or annoying older child, or an adult with childish tendencies or ADD. This is not limited to just crossing lines, and also involves situations much like the following: "don't touch my hair" (at this point, the "line crosser" would poke the persons hair while saying "tooouuuchh") line crossers also have tenancies to be unimaginative, and do things like finding something, and naming it "Bob", "Fred" or "George" because they can think of nothing more original. (nothing against those names of people, just random objects) it is perfectly legal, and in fact, encouraged to smack line crossers when they do what they do, because it will eventually show them that in the real world, they will be beat up by people bigger than them.
PERSON#1: "Ok, i am on this side of the line, *points to line in sidewalk* now don't cross it please"
LINE CROSSER: *puts a toe/finger across the line* "look, i crossed it!"
PERSON#1: *smacks line crosser* "wtf did i say?!?"

Perpetual Line Crosser

Someone who consistently makes comments that cross the line. Someone who doesn't understand witty banter, instead moving to insults. Typically a meathead, or someone who lacks the intelligence to burn someone in a humorous manor...
Person 1: Dude, that shirt is a little chochy...

P.L.C.: Shut up, my shit looks tight, why don't you go fuck yourself...and your mother..

Person 1: Real funny bro

P.L.C.: Like your fucking face bro...hahaha...

Person 1: Dude, you are such a Perpetual Line Crosser.

Habitual Line-Crosser

adjective; To describe someone who frequently makes the jump from what is socially acceptable to what is obviously inappropriate; most commonly occurring as a lewd statement.
"Brandon is a habitual line-crosser... I said his mom had dirty nails and he crossed the line by saying 'YA WELL YO MAMAS SO DIRTY SHE STUCK IN A CUCUMBER AND PULLED OUT A PICKLE! Completely inappropriate!"




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