

俚语 lip clit

lip clit

When you pucker your lips like a fish and rip your top lip like a clit
Me: omg ren did you see tori making a lip clit in class yesterday?

Ren: yeah it was so funny

clit lip

A fat lip from giving too much oral sex to a female.
"Wow, did someone punch Martin in the mouth?"

"No, he has clit lip from too much action with Lisa last night!"

Clit Lips

When a girl makes a duck face and her lips look more like the labia of a vagina. Her duck face lips may be slightly parted. Hence Clit Lips.
"That picture of her on instagram made me laugh so hard."
"Yeah! What's wrong with her face? It looks like she has Clit Lips!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:57:09