

俚语 lip dipping

lip dipping

The female act of tea bagging
Katie j was waiting in the airport with her sleeping friends when she thought she should wake them up with a spot of lip dipping...

Lip Dip

The female equivalent of tea-bagging. Usually performed on unwary or sleeping individuals.
Particularly effective with an audience.
Joey was napping when Susie delivered a surprise Lip Dip

lip dip

its when a female t-bags a male
jared gets lip dipped by hookers all the time.

lip dip

the female equivalent to 't-bagging' someone - resting/placing/stamping your vagina lips onto their forehead or personal property without their knowledge as a joke or an act of revenge
Dude better watch it, or he'll get his scooter lip dipped if he keeps parking in my spot!

Lower Lip Dip

The area between and connecting the balls and the shaft of the penis. Also know as "Bottom Lip Dip". The phrases inspiration came from a human specious giving a blow job. When the lower/bottom lip of the human touches that certain area of the males penis which is the end of the shaft and the start of the ball sack.
Man my lower lip dip itches like all get out. I think the girl I fucked last night had crabs.

Dude this hoe last night went lower lip dip like 10 times, I might have to hit her up again.

dip lip

when you put any number of pinches of chewing tobacco in your bottom lip and the visibility of it
damn son, i can see your dip lip from a mile away

dip lip

A large lower lip that makes it appear as if a person constantly has a dip in.
Dude, you lip is huge! do you have a dip in?

No brah i just got a dip lip.




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