

俚语 lipsha


Lipsha is a very soft hearted person . She is the most adorable and beautiful girl . She is a lonely person , she don't have anyone to be trusted . She is also an emotional girl with a big heart . She is more close to her mother rather than her father . She had many dreams but can't fulfill it with happiness , rather she is also a quite girl . She is being hurted by many people but she never show off nor take revenge .
Lipsha is most adorable and soft hearted person .


It's a name of an adorable and beautiful girl with such a cute smile and looks . She is very emotional when it's comes to lose someone very special to her heart . She is very close to her mom rather than dad . She is intelligent but do not uses her brain at the right time and right place . She is also a good daughter , friend , mother and a wife to be , she will never involve in a relationship but will be the best and long relationship if she did . She gets hurt by many people but never take revenge with anyone . She is also a very soft hearted person and have a kind heart... Helpfulness..
Lipsha helps all needy and poor people ...




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:20:04