

俚语 lipstick butch

Lipstick butch

A lesbian that either dresses like a manly lesbian or has a very short haircut and still has a pretty feminine face.
Boy 1: Oh wow, she is good looking, but why does she dress like a dude?
Girl 1: Well let's see... Her hair is butch, her clothes are butch.... her face is done up like a pin-up girl..... She's a lipstick butch!

Lipstick Butch Lesbian

A biofemale who is sexualy attracted to other biofemale's, who feels and expresses - maleness, as a gender ID, but does not want to transition into a male body, AND dresses as a female..ie: wears makeup/wings/high heels/female clothes/fake fingernails etc... esp. if the manner of dress is for the purpose of being attractive to a Lipstick Femme.
A Lipstick Femme is often mistaken as a straight female.
A Lipstick Butch Lesbian, may also be mistaken as a straight female, who doesn't act like a girl. or even mistaken as a man in drag... a lipstick butch is sometimes refered to as a 'lesbian drag queen'..(not to be confused with a drag KING) or a 'butch in drag'.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:42:08