

俚语 ass titty

ass titties

used to describe someone so obese that the skin of at the bottom of the butt cheek folds over like the bottom of a breast.
"That fatty should get a butt bra to hold up them ass titties!"

ass titties

a girl with a ass so big it has dimples, mainly fat girls
"did you see that natty fat chick"

"yeah she had some major ass titties"

ass titties

HUGE fucking tits that fold over like ass cheeks
damn, she has some nice ass titties!

ass titties

A woman with a nice, round, juicy ass that is supple like big breasts.
Man, that girl got a ghetto booty like ass titties

Ass Titties

sagging, out of shape butt cheeks, usually seen on aging women
I don't think that woman should be wearing a skirt that short. Her ass titties were showing!

ass titty

a term used when no other obsenity fits the situation it can mean a number of different things to include:

1.the way someone acts when they are being a dousch cock
2.the way a girl looks when she's being a skanky ho or a cum guzzling gutter slut
3.how you feel when you rip your socks when your feet are too wet to properly put them on.
1. eric is such an ass titty
2. look at tina, fucking ass titty!
3. ass titty!

bomb-ass titties

A term used to distinguish amazingly nice breasts from your average nice set of knockers.
"Holy shit, is that Mark's little sister?"
"Yeah man, she's got some bomb-ass titties"




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