

俚语 lissie's


A wacky, funny, silly or insane lesbian.
1. I met a real cute lissy last night, she kept me amused.
2. Ellen Degeneres is a lissy.
3. That lissy is at it again, she'll do anything for a laugh.
4. That lissy is very entertaining.


The most wonderful girl in the entire world. A girl you just don't want to ever lose.
Ahh Lissy, I just love you.


1. Short term for a wacky, funny, insane or silly lesbian.
Silly+Lesbian= Lissy

2. See Lezzie Lizzie Liz Lizzy

1. That lissy is out of control!

See Lesbo Lez Lezbo Lezzie Liz Lizzie


This is basically a girl who is always running around yelling 'keep ya dick phat' and is obsessed with cody no.
A Lissi describes the female portion of the cody ko fanbase
"Dude, I'd stay away from that chick, shes a Lissi. If you guys get together she'll shout that sentence about dicks and you'll lose all your friends"


lissie is like the greatest girl I know. She's always been there for me. seriously, if anyone thinks differently, than you've got problems.
she totally saved me from getting used by my hot ex.


a name given to extremely good looking girls with big tits and a nice smile.
wow look at her, shes must be a Lissy!


An amazing hot girl no guy wants to lose
"That girl is such a Lissi don't lose her"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:24:25