

俚语 little asian

Dirty Little Asian

Someone who fantasizes about carrying out sexual acts or fetishes that are popular in Asian culture. i.e. sniffing a girls underwear that has been worn for an extended period of time.
Eugene: I want to sniff Julia's panties.
Cathy: Stop that, what would your wife say you Dirty Little Asian!

Little Asian Girl Voice

The volume at which most stereotypical asian girls speak, the volume where if anything else is going on you won't hear her. Not restricted to asian girls also used by shy people.
No one car hear Tom because he's using his little asian girl voice.

Little Asian Boy

Normally racist little boys
That little Asian boy just lit my pupes on fire and tied me to a tree cause I’m black

Little Naked Asian Guy

Anything unexpected and random
Bob: That was random
Steve: What?
Bob: That Little Naked Asian Guy that just happened to us

Little Asian

a small person from Asia, that has thin eyes
Illanah is a Little Asian




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:17:27