Little boi
A little boi is someone who is just a little boi
Hey your such a little boi uncle Doug!
Little Boy
Something I keep in my basement
Come here little boy
Little Boy
A word used to describe someone who is a very little. You can pick them out of a crowd and you just know how little they are just by looking at them. Most common known as a Ray.
Yo, what’s up little boy!
Little Boy
The codename of the world's first atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
It's ironic how they took something so terrifying as an atomic bomb and named it "Little Boy".
little boy
Bitter fat-girl slang for a woman with a thin figure.
You see, many males are closeted homosexuals. When they find themselves attracted to stick thin girls with a little boy figure it is because they subconsciously want to have sex with a man.
When your partner(usually a woman) talks down(usually in a condescending tone) to you as a parent would do. Very common in marriages of 3 years or more. If this occurs prior to marriage, run!
After Denise called Louis three times without response, she loudly little-boyed him getting his prompt and obedient attention.
little boi
LIttle Boi dances through Mexico
Did you see that little boi fly by?