

俚语 assumptionized


The way that a software application behaves based on assumption that a designer or developer made that was never validated by actual humans that have to use the application.
It's great assumptionality that you only 'need' four items in the recently used file list.


One who hails (comes) from the Catholic school Our Lady of Assumption
There are a lot of assumpionters at my school.


Giving an assumption about something you do not care about.
Question: Is this person still her?

Answer: I don't know, I would assumptionate that they are.


the act of somebody assumming what you assumed, as an assumption of what should be assumed.
I was sitting here talking and the female assumptionized what I was talking about.


An assumptioneer is someone who works in a field very similar to that of an engineer but they do not have tons and tons of accurate data available to make decisions so they have to make lots of assumptions, hence this makes them an assumptioneer - doing assumptioneering work.
Project Manager - How is the work progressing on the facility design?
Design Manager - Jon has been struggling with a lack of data but as we all know he is a great assumptioneer
Project Manager - ok as long as we clearly document all our assumptions in a concept document should be fine for now


Assuming something
That is a very assumptionable thing to say




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