when you write lmao but also oop, so it becomes "Lmaoops". You wanted to say oops and its also funny so boom bop bam lmaoops there you go.
*insert literally any text*
"Lmaoops I didn't mean to send that"
or just
"Lmaoops I didn't mean to send that"
or just
laughing my ass off on purpose
when someone says something that is meant to be funny but isn't
you just make it clear to them
when someone says something that is meant to be funny but isn't
you just make it clear to them
Mr notsofunny: " Hey i insert generic 70s joke"
Mr imsosmartideservechallenger: "lmaoop poop poopie poop"
Mr imsosmartideservechallenger: "lmaoop poop poopie poop"