

俚语 lmknibhvgcfxdzsaqwertyuiop


Congratulations, you've reached a new stage of boredom. After: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm; poiuytrewqlkjhgfdsamnbvcxz; mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq; zxcvbnmasdfghjklqwertyuiop; qawsedrftgyhujikolpzxcvbnm; qawsedrftgyhujikolpmnbvcxz; plokijuhygtfrdeswaqzxcvbnm; plokijuhygtfrdeswaqmnbvcxz; zxcvbnmqawsedrftgyhujikolp; zxcvbnmplokijuhygtfrdeswaq; mnbvcxzplokijuhygtfrdeswaq; mnbvcxzqawsedrftgyhujikolp; qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp; plokimjunhybgtvfrcdexswzaq; plmoknijbuhvygctfxrdzeswaq; qawsezdrxftcgyvhubjinkomlp; qawszedxrfctgvyhbujnikmolp; plomkinjubhyvgtcfrxdezswaq; plokmijnuhbygvtfcrdxeszwaq; qawzsexdrcftvgybhunjimkolp and azsxdcfvgbhnjmklqwertyuiop, lmknibhvgcfxdzsaqwertyuiop is the only keyboard pattern that has no internet search, to this day. You are dead just like me. And, if you've tried it before, and didn't find anything, now you have it.
After countless endless days... And many hours of lost sleep... I finally... Found it! The ultimate keyboard pattern! lmknibhvgcfxdzsaqwertyuiop, I FINALLY FOUND ONE THAT DOESN'T EXIST YET-

–Uhhh... Actually, it already exist, dude
–Yeah, just like a said, there is.
–You're capping.
–Show to him the page about it*
–Are you ok?-




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:25:01