The constant flicking and rubbing of the ear. A casual lobe psses off the normal pedestrian.
Helt: Awwwwwwwwwwwww Spag wanna get lobed?
Spag: Doode! Helt! Faggot!
Johnson: Awww losmobile wanna get lobed?
Spag: Doode! Helt! Faggot!
Johnson: Awww losmobile wanna get lobed?
Lobe is when you have fat thumbs when you type and get the b instead of the v and are too lazy to change it so it is always lobe instead of love.
I lobe you. That is such a lobely dress and so lobeable.
The highest form of love, you use it when you love someone to the point you can’t describe what you are feeling.
Ba Ba I lobe you❤️❤️❤️
Literate Definition: Armenian word for beans. Also refers to Mexicans and South Americans
Armenian #1: where do Lobees' come from
Armenian #2: Lobeeastan!
Armenian #1: -_-
Armenian #2: Lobeeastan!
Armenian #1: -_-
To deeply connect with another human being. Feeling known, mind melding, being understood, being seen, and speaking without talking are all elements of lobeing.
The lobeing was unparalleled, and we were high from the conversation as we drove across the great expanse of desert.
to love someone or something....mainly someone
*lobes muchness*
i lobe you lots
i lobe you lots
Sleepy iphone texting of the word "love".
"Lobe you...drifting off 2 slumber now..."