When searched for on the search engine google.com the results cause one to lose The Game (second definition). The game is lost when reading the first hit. The title of the movie found by the search is "The Game", reading this title causes a person to think of the game thus causing the reader to lose the game.
A: "Hey search for 0119174 on google"
B: "Ok, this couldn't possibly cause me to lose the game."
Seconds Later
B: "Once again I have been proven false."
B: "Ok, this couldn't possibly cause me to lose the game."
Seconds Later
B: "Once again I have been proven false."
When searched for on the search engine google.com the results cause one to lose The Game (second definition). The game is lost when reading the first hit. The title of the move is "The Game", reading this title causes a person to think of the game thus causing the reader to lose the game.
A: "Hey search for 0119174 on google"
B: "Ok, this couldn't possibly cause me to lose the game.
Seconds Later
B: "Once again I have been proven false."
B: "Ok, this couldn't possibly cause me to lose the game.
Seconds Later
B: "Once again I have been proven false."