

俚语 lobster dick

lobster dick

1. When you jerk off so frequently your dick becomes permenantly red resembling the dick of a lobster.
"I have to cut down, im starting to develope a lobster dick"

lobster dick

A possible side effect of excessive Western Grips.
Due to my addiction to western grips, I now have to face the painful concequences of a lobster dick.

lobster dick

1.a person with the inability to pee after having sex or jacking off or any shit like that
2 a complete and total hater
ex.1 briggs couldnt pee because he is a lobster dick

ex.2 briggs saw his new 100 buck shades and automatically said they were pieces of shit

Lobster Dick

The inability to pee after having sex even though you have a full bladder.
Man I gotta pee so bad but after that bang session I have lobster dick!




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