The act of fondling or touching the same sexes Fat Rolls, Jelly Rolls, Lobes, "Love Handles", Moobs, or other parts of the same sex's neck to waist area specifically a male. It has been use as a sign of sexual confusion (IE: Homo-sexual, Metro-sexual, Bi-sexual)
Sitting in a desk, and a man behind you has his hands rubbing your fat rolls or lobes, due to the fact that they are hanging over the desk and it makes you laugh or giggle. It has been known to make everyone in the room feel awkward.
This is known as Lobulating
This is known as Lobulating
liver lobule
The structural unit of the liver is a liver/hepatic lobule. A single human liver lobule includes parts of a number of hepatic (liver) acini, each centred on a portal tract.
However the physiology of the liver is more accurately represented by the unit structure known as the hepatic acinus.
However the physiology of the liver is more accurately represented by the unit structure known as the hepatic acinus.
Is all the alcohol that Katherine drank last night injuring her liver lobules?