

俚语 locro


Locro is a traditional South American food popular in the countries that lie along the Cordillera of the Andes Mountains. Locro can be compared to a thick stew or chili. The name comes from the Incan language, Quecha. Locro is a particularly popular dish in Ecuador and Argentina. In these countries, locro is not only a food, but also a custom. Locro was eaten by native peoples of South America previous to the time of Spanish colonization, and continues to be a popular customary dish as of the 21st century.
In Argentina, for example, locro is consumed during “fiestas patrias,” or patriotic holidays. Since it is served hot, locro is usually eaten during the winter months. Another reason that locro is a traditionally wintertime food may be that it is particularly high in calories and nutrients. Thus, in areas where winters are cold enough to affect the availability of food, locro can be a particularly rich source of nutrition.




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