

俚语 lolls


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Laughing out loud. Adding -ing to a word means something is going on, has been going on, or will be happening. Lol stands for laugh out loud. So lolling is laughING out loud.
Sophia: knock knock
Gabi: who’s there?
Sophia: orange
Gabi: orange who?
Sophia: orange you glad I didn’t say banana
Gabi: Sophia’s so funny I’m “lolling”


The act of laughing out loud. Used online by pretty much everyone and irl by retards.
Me: so wtf were you doing there?
You: just lolling


When a person actually laughs out loud instead of just saying 'lol'for a conversation filler.
"lol i just lolled in that guys face"


The spoken lol.

To lol. The act of lolling. (Lo-él)

A derivative of lol. The term lolle is used in spoken form, providing a liquid flow to the conversation. Much easier to use than the spoken lol (el-o-el).

Friend1: Man she pwned you!
Friend2: *pointing* haha lolle


Word from estonian language. Means stupid or fool.
Ta on nii loll.
He is really stupid.


laughing out loud literally, unlike lol which it is derived from, loll means you literally let out audible laughter at something.
thats freaking funny, loll




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