

俚语 lolws


leet sign of typing while running, driving or flying in a game.
Roost426: lolw


when u try and type lole but ur fingers look like u dipped them in growth hormone when u were a kid
ur mom has the big geiy lolwe


Just like lol but more awkward. Also for people who say lol after every sentence so u add the w to the end to differentiate lol from lolw
Sarah: omg Megan called your brother hot
You: lolw


similar to lol, lolws is a net speak abbreviation for laughing out loud while snorting.

Brandon: A deer ran into my car
Ashley: lol, don't you mean you ran into a deer?
Brandon: No, It litterally ran into my car
Ashley: lolws


Short for Lol wins. When you succeed at making somebody laugh out loud, particularly someone who you're romantically interested in.
Friend: how are things going with that girl?

You: Great! I was getting LOLWs from her on the walk back from school yesterday.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:30:00