

俚语 long winded


A person who has little to say, but takes forever to explain it. Can also be used to describe a person who tells a story that seems to go on forever even though is has very little substance.
dude 1: Man I just saw scott and he told me the story about his trip to jamacia, he went on forever about it.

dude 2: I hear that, he's one longwinded asshole.


A person that is particularly longwinded when answering, talking, questioning, referring and generally any other type on verbal interaction. It is a More common trait in annoying young females that are naturally oblivious to other people's disinterest in their conversation.

Can also be applied as a verb for people that are naturally slow in completing simple mundane activites.
I.e. "Where's bec?" "Oh she'll be ages, she's longwinding the shit out of her." "sigh... Fucking Longwind!"




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