

俚语 looks good

Looks Good

A joke on Conan about the new Captain America movie, that's been going on forever
Conan: Welcome back from the commercial break and "Looks Good"

looking good

The only looks-based compliment a guy can give another guy without appearing gay.
Hey dude, you're cute.


Hey dude, looking good.

look good for it

A bit of old-timey police slang. To say that a suspect "looks good" for something means that you think that they did it, that they're guilty.
Suspect: I swear, officer, I'm innocent. I didn't do it, honest!
Officer: Really? Cause ya' look good for it.

you look good

1. I still want to have sex with you.

2. You seem less unhappy
josh and Maria are meeting up for the first time since they broke up

Josh: You look good
Maria: thanks. you look good too.

Dang that look good

When you see a fresh ass pizza
Jackson:*sees a pizza*

Dang that look good!

Looking good, hollywood

What little Euro-trash scamps yell at pretty English-speaking girls in Stavanger, Norway in a desperate attempt to receive their attention and affection.
Norwegian: "ooo looking good, hollywood!"
Girls: "who the hell uses that as a chat up line?"

You look good kitty

I secretly like you
Him:you look good kitty




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:08:23