loo loo
a girl way beyond dead sexy. shes soo fun and sweet...she makes anyday bright.....when she walks into the room u are drawn to her aora...theres just something about her...the best freind anyone could ask for.
whos that girl....sooooo friggin hot..theres just something about her...shes defly a loo loo
loo loo
loo loo is a girl also known as aburning beacon of raw sexualityand bekah bo ro. she's the best a girl can be and gosh darn it i want her so effing bad...but sshhh
damn that girl is such a loo loo i wanna be her
loo loo loo
The first three words of Leopold Scotch's aka Butters trademark song. Goes:
Loo loo loo, I've got some apples
Loo loo loo, you've got some too...
And ends with either:
Loo loo loo, let's get together
I know what we can do loo loo
Loo loo loo, let's make some applesauce
Take off your clothes and loo loo loo
He sings this when he's playing, doing chores like shoveling snow, practises it to present in the talent show, while he is scared and forcibly made to "play" and on all sorts of other occasions.
Loo loo loo, I've got some apples
Loo loo loo, you've got some too...
And ends with either:
Loo loo loo, let's get together
I know what we can do loo loo
Loo loo loo, let's make some applesauce
Take off your clothes and loo loo loo
He sings this when he's playing, doing chores like shoveling snow, practises it to present in the talent show, while he is scared and forcibly made to "play" and on all sorts of other occasions.
Loo loo loo, I've got some apples
Loo loo loo, you've got some too
Loo loo loo, let's get together
I know what we can do, loo loo.
Loo loo loo, you've got some too
Loo loo loo, let's get together
I know what we can do, loo loo.
A synonym for "out of your mind".
You've gone loo-loo dogg.
Loo loo
A shy creature, varying in size and color, found on a males nether regions. This organism is often found in the morning, standing erect as if to salute the sun.
"Mom! Mom! My loo loo is staring at me again!"
loo loos
a drink of beer or wine
all beer or wine
loo loos
Beer or alcohol
A drink to be beer or wine