

俚语 loose it

Loose It

You are going to lose it in such a way that your bowels loosen, and you end up pooping.

Loose loose

A loose vag. Either from natural things, like having kids, or having multiple trains ran on you.
Person 1: Damn man, couldn't tell if shawty even had walls last night.

Person 2: She had that loose loose?
Person 1: Hell yeah!


You never use this word so please spell "losing" correctly from now on.
You mean you are LOSING the war, not LOOSING you idiot!


THANK YOU! In the last 6 months everyone seems to be writing 'loosing'. THE WORD YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IS LOSING.
L-O-S-I-N-G. You are losing the match, you are losing your talent, you are losing your virginity! The second definition is wrong, you would say 'loosening'
Newspaper Executive: Cristiano, this is the last straw, 'loosing' is not a word! I'm firing you!

Cristiano Ronaldo: Oh, I didn't know I had to be able to spell to do this job, I guess i'm just an idiot! Haha

on the loose

free, without restraint,
After the game the players were in town, on the loose.


1. Opposite of tight. Baggy, roomy fitting.

2. Derogatory discription of a woman who has had many sexual partners.

2. Also common mis-spelling of lose.
I need a belt. My jeans are loose.

Man, yo woman's loose! (followed by receiving a punch)

Tonight, your team is going to loose.


A multi-functional term

1. The state of being intoxicated to the point where one's inhibitions are minimal to non-existant.

2. Any action undertaken whilst in this state can be classified "loose behaviour"

3. The intoxicant itself

1. "Wow man, i just drank 20 beers, im really loose"

2. Action: Dude vacates hot tub, walks into nearby bedroom and urinates on the carpet.

Response of other houseguests: "Dude that was fuckin loose"

3. Dude 1: "Lets go up to the Dan Murphy's and acquire some loose"
Dude 2: "Sounds like a loose idea"




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