

俚语 looty booty

looty booty

Itty Titty Britty's luscious butt, makes up for her itty titties. A girl with a honky-tonk.
Dude that is such a looty booty on that chick, oh damn it's nice.

Your looty booty

When you are playing a game with a looting system, such as PUBG or Fortnite, and you have better loot than a teammate, you can say the phrase “your looty booty” and your teammate’s head will implode while creating a black hole from the damage caused.
Tom: *picks up gold scar*
Patrick: * cowering in fear and hoping Tom wouldn’t say the phrase again*
Tom: your looty booty
Patrick: *dies*
Tom: *smirks while being sucked into the black hole*




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