

俚语 lorne


Sex Machine


- small crappy little spot located in In the Northern region of New Brunswick, where odd people named Lapointe and gagnon like to congregate and shoot off.
- Extreme sarcasm is common within the girl population from up there commonly around the age of eighteen years old.
- Names like Penny and Dale are not uncommon as well and are often backed up by a very pretty lady.
- Lapointe girls are commonly attracted to boys from Mcadam and Miramichi, so watch out.
- booty
Lorne, Gods Country, Ye old shithole, bog


A dashingly handsome statuesque Swede who perspires an aroma of cherry blossoms, white jasmin and peach. He spends his leisure time resting his penis on pink, nippled pillows. Commonly found in the company of those suffering from Daniella. A powerful aphrodisiac if grated into soup.
I think my roommate is of the Lorne persuasion.. it always smells like cherry blossoms and my pillows are covered in semen.


A handsome, dashing, SEXY and charming guy who is crazy, funny and outgoing at times but can also be sensitive and caring. He is an athlete and has good sportsmanship. He also wishes he had a cat and a hippo. In other words, a COMPLETE babe!!
Did you see Lorne? what a Babe!


5.2" Sex Machine
What an immaculately coiffed pretentious assboil! Must be a Lorne.


a short fagget, that has no balls...likes to suck penis on his free time. also tries to act ghetto by writing down what the host of B.E.T. say!!! but gets his ass kicked everyday!
what the fuck is that....ohhh its just a lorne!


LIAR/a person who copies sayings and sayings from B.E.T




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:13:14