Louisiana Lineup
Technique for suspect identification used by some (one) Law Enforcement agencies, involving a lineup compromised of photographs of suspect rectums.
The state of Louisiana is credited for the first instance of the technique, and maintains a growing database.
The state of Louisiana is credited for the first instance of the technique, and maintains a growing database.
The police department identified the suspect using a Louisiana lineup.
Louisiana Lineup
The act of being plowed by multiple men, typically while wearing football gear.
“I’m not gay, but I’d definitely go for a Louisiana Lineup anyday.”
Louisiana Lineup
When a group of large males dressed in football gear each take turns plowing you in the ass
Person 1: Why are you walking so funny Dave
Dave: After winning the game the boys took me into the back for a Louisiana Lineup
Dave: After winning the game the boys took me into the back for a Louisiana Lineup