

俚语 love as fuck

Love as fuck

When you want to express high level of love and you want to make it huge.
Sweetheart, I have love as fuck

love the fuck out of

To love the fuck out of something it is to love something so much you would like to perform sexual favors on it despite it usually being a food and or random object.
Man1: "God damn i love the fuck out of my ps3"

Tender Loving Eye Fuck

A tender loving eye fuck occurs when two strangers share a moment so intimate that it would be incorrect to classify it as a standard eye fuck. Instead of merely lust, a tender loving eye fuck also involves a mutual respect and a strong emotional attraction between the two subjects.
"Dude trust me, that brunette and I had the most epic tender loving eye fuck when I passed her. I guarantee that we'll get together sometime in the next couple of years."

Love Fuck

A sexual encounter that isn't just about lust, its real love.
We didn't just have sex last night, it was really a love fuck.

love fucked

being involved with someone or liking someone supremely and then getting shut down bc the counter part wants to remain friends instead.
sam: i wish we could make this night more special...*wink wink*
brook: me too.....but i think that u should know...... i just like u as a friend....
sam: NO!! i was totally just love fucked!

lovely fuck

Not giving a FUCK AT ALL....
Who gives lovely fuck about it?

trump loving fuck

Trump loving fuck is a man who is so in love with Donald Trump they would blow him if they could no matter how bad his policies hurt working people.
Craig doesn't care that Trump's tax plan is killing us because he is a Trump loving fuck.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:47:34