

俚语 love boner

Love Boner

When a male becomes erect by the thought of or by being told that his loved one loves him.
Sally: "I love you so much baby."
George: "You just gave me a huge Love Boner."
Sally: "Oh yes, I can feel that!"

Love Boner

An erection created only from thinking of how in love you are without any sexual influence.
I’m rereading our last messages bc they are fucking beautiful and I have a love boner

Love boner

The feeling that is onset by an instance when you and your signifigant other have a moment of intense love. This feeling can be onset by cuteness, intense eye gazing, and/or but not limited to being absolutely head over heals in love.
I just had a love boner when you looked into my eyes. I just had a love boner because your so darn cute.


noun-a boner you have for someone who invokes a deep passionate feeling within you, sexually or non-sexually.
I have a love-boner for Simon Pegg. Everything he does is love-boner worthy.

love boner

a desire to love someone in a non sexual way
Damn, i've got a love boner for Bryelle. That's someone i would watch a movie and cuddle with




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:51:58