

俚语 love tumor

love tumor

An idiomatic phrase referring to a newly found affection toward a person that could lead to true love.
She grew a love tumor just meeting him for the first time

love tumor

A tumor that everyone thoroughly loves to get. It is usually made up of 3 loads of hot cum and a couple of turds. Sometimes they are coated with a thin layer of piss.
I hope I get a love tumor in my asshole today...I need the feel of hot cum all up in my booty-hole!

love tumor

a cheeky way of referring to a fetus in utero.
She'll feel much better once she's gotten that love tumor out of her.

Love Tumor

When you love someone a so much it cause them to grow a tumor and then leads to their slow painful death.
Girl: I love you so much ::cuddle::
Guy: Stupid hoe!
Girl: WHAT!?!
Guy: You Gave me a love tumor!!
Girl: NOOOO!!!
Guy: *dead*

Love Tumor

A girl who clings to their significant other, and when the other is not around them, they undergo a horrible transformation in attitude, resembling a state of constant PMS, torturing anyone within a fifty-foot radius.
Betty: Jesus fucking Christ, Nick, you asshole, you fucking spilled my coke all over the floor god damn it.
Nick: Her boyfriend leaves for five minutes and she loses her shit almost instantly, this is another sad but tragic case of Love Tumors.




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