

俚语 lowbagged


The feeling of resentment that occurs in a gracious host when a lowbagger over stays his or her visit.
Joyce felt lowbagged after Johnny refused to clean the bathroom and ate the last of the cookies her grandmother had sent.


The process of finding couches and floors to sleep on in order to create social change or pursue internal bliss.
The ski bum was lowbagging on his buddies couch in Tahoe for the winter.


1. To live off of a wasteful society's excess in order to create social change, or pursue internal bliss.
2. An action by a sleeping bag dwelling nomad
Did you lowbag that duct tape from that trash bin?


A gay person.

when playing the notes F-A-G on a guitar, it sounds like the notes B-A-G, just a bit lower in pitch.
"dude elliot, quit being such a lowbag and put on some real pants"


when a guy crams his nuts into someone elses ass. like teabagging, only in the ass.

derived from lowbag
"so i heard he was lowbagging some dude and the guy shat all over his nuts."


A woman of low morals, low self esteem, and low threshold of resistance to men's desire for sex.
"hey dude, check out the lowbag at the bar! She looks familiar..."
"bro, that's your sister"


A woman of low morals, low self esteem, and low threshold of resistance to men's desire for sex.
"hey dude, check out the lowbag at the bar! She looks familiar..."
"bro, that's your sister"




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