

俚语 lphs2018


Let me start off, there is a fine line if the population in our school. You’re either Basic or you think you go hard. LPHS is the whitest school in the history of the United States(even whiter than an all white school in the early 20th century) Admins At our school take their jobs to seriously, imagine going to college for 4 years just to be a fucking school administrator. They recently pulled a giant publicity stunt by requiring name tags, news reporter came and two females got into a fight while they were there. Speaking of fights, two black people haven’t fought in our school since God knows when. It’s either females or freshmen yet we still have the most fights(nobody can fight in our school). Our Redneck:Black ratio is so big they could start a giant turf war. But Rednecks are low key scared of black people and black peoples are low key scared if rednecks. Our teachers are assholes or chill either way they rarely do their jobs. We have female thots that are crowded by black people. The LGBT population in our school is ridiculous, every male is low key gay. Baseball,Golf, Marching Band, and Tennis are our only good sports teams... Nothing else needs to be said. JUULING, people juul here more than they use a fucking pencil. People think they’re cool by drinking 20 gallons of alcohol , can’t wait for your fucking liver failure st 25 dumbasses. All in all you’re either Basic or a Juuler. Stay away from this school please
Where can I find some white trash/vapers and some loud Meadows folk? LPHS2018




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:33:32