

俚语 lueck's


When something is "Lueck'd" that means that it has been destroyed while an individual was intoxicated. Usually refers to an object.
"Dude, that table was totally Lueck'd last night!"


(pronounced loo-key)
1. the last name of a substitute teacher who was infamously caught masturbating in a Connecticut high school hallway on February 26, 2014. Reportedly has amnesia and was "fixing a wardrobe malfunction".
2. to whip it out and start jacking off in a public place in the aforementioned manner.
1. A: You hear about that Luecke guy?
B: Yeah, a real tear-jerker, isn't it?
2. A: Ugh, all these girls make me so horny. Must... Not.... Fap....
B: Don't pull a Luecke bro




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