

俚语 lume


"more than love"
When you adore something or someone to an indescribable level, you "lume" it/them.
It is to be used very carefully, so it's meaning stays strong.
Example 1: I don't love you, I lume you.
Example 2: I am sooo in lume with you.


Verb: To provide someone the experience of hearing something. As show is to eyes; lume is to ears.
May I lume you this song I heard last week?


A Disgusting Smelling Lotion That You Use For Your Armpits And Privayes
Person 1: Hey What Do You Use To Smell Good?

Person 2: Not Lume


A Lume is whatever you want it to be.
"Christ sake Michal, you are such a Lume!"


someone who loves orgies (especially involving incest)
Guy: Wow! That girl sure is a LuMe

Luming Li

Used in any scenario where someone is cheap/stingy.
John: “Do you have beef hotdogs?”
Mark: “No, they were too expensive”
John: “What the fuck. Don’t be a Luming Li”

Lumed out

Wearing semi expensive brand names from head to toe with easily visible logos. Usually used as a compensation strategy by mediocre looking men.
Bro, that's quite the ensemble you have on there, you're really lumed out today. illuminati illumanati illumi-naughty niked niked out polo polo swag swag swagger




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